Bright Blossoms and Cheerful Cherries.

Welcome to our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) page. We are a unit of Nursery (3 and 4 year olds) and Reception (4 and 5 year olds) children. Here you can find out all about our Reception classes and the learning that takes place. 


In our EYFS unit we intend for children to be ready, respectful and safe. Ready for the next stage in their learning journey. Ready to be challenged and to challenge themselves. 


We teach children to be respectful of others and of the many wonderful differences that make each child unique. We support children to feel safe through our positive relationships and our stimulating environment. We aspire for all children to feel safe to explore, manage their own risks and to make safe choices. 


We are determined for our children to be confident, independent and to believe in themselves. 

Miss Marley

EYFS lead and Bright Blossom’s class teacher

Mrs Tofil

Teaching assistant in Bright Blossoms

Miss Muguti

Cheerful Cherries’ Class teacher

Mrs Capewell

Teaching assistant in Cheerful Cherries

We are very lucky to have a large learning area for the children to use.  The photos below show our two classroom spaces and our outdoor area. All of these areas are where the children will choose their independent learning through play.  

All areas are open throughout the year as we know some children learn better outside than in. We play in all weathers so pleasure ensure your child is dressed appropriately. We have great fun playing in the rain as well as the sun.

Bright Blossoms

The garden

Cheerful Cherries

Every class has at least one school councillor to help share their classes’ views and make changes across the school. 

Tiara in Bright Blossoms

Hadeeza in Cheerful Cherries

Every class has at least 1 dojo master. The dojo masters help show visitors around school and explain what they are/have been doing in class.

Maisy in Bright Blossoms

Rae in Cheerful Cherries

Click on the tabs below to find out more information about each topic. Throughout the year we will also add pictures of memorable experiences and hooks! 

In this topic the children will learn all about traditional tales and how stories are structured. We will read a story using our Talk for Writing skills. The children will learn to orally retell the story, read a story hill, innovate/change the story and then retell their own version of the story. 

This half term we will be focusing on Goldilocks and Three Bears. We will be looking at the characters in the story and describing their physical appearance and personality as well as including drama to act out and perform the story.

This half term we will also be developing our listening and speaking skills including learning new vocabulary linked to their learning.

In topic we will be learning how to recognise different emotions and feeling. We will also begin to learn about the seasons, European language day and the Harvest festival.

Quality Text

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears


The children found out that the school cameras had seen a bear in the classroom! The children had a discussion about why it was their with their talk partner. Some children thought it was lonely and wanted to make friends. Others thought it was going to eat Miss Marley and Miss Walker.

Memorable Experience

As part of our memorable experience we made porridge like the three bears. We worked together to measure out the ingredients. We then chopped our own fruit to add to our porridge. We then discussed what we liked and what we dislike.

In this topic the children will learn all about traditional tales and how stories are structured. We will read a story using our Talk for Writing skills. The children will learn to orally retell the story, read a story hill, innovate/change the story and then retell their own version of the story.

This half term we will be focusing on The Three Little Pigs and The Gingerbread Man, focusing on the instructions of making gingerbread. We will be looking at the characters in the story and describing their physical appearance and personality as well as including drama to act out and perform the story.

This half term we will also be developing our listening and speaking skills including learning new vocabulary linked to their learning.

In topic, we will be learning about Remembrance day, anti-bullying, Sukkot, different families and the nativity.

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The 3 Little Pigs


The children came back to school to find strange footprints in the garden, in the corridor and on the door window.

We were very excited and a little scared. What could it be? We had a discussion and did some research and found out they were wolf prints! We though it might even be the Big Bad Wolf.

Memorable experience

We learned instructions on how to make Gingerbread men. We then used these instructions to work together in groups of 4 to make our own Gingerbread men. We then ate them at our Christmas party. They were very tasty!

In Spring the children will be learning all about transport, journeys and holidays. We will be reading ‘Mr Gumpy’s outing’ and creating our own version of the story. The children will learn about transport from the past and about how they have changed. We will even begin to write facts about the different transport. The children will explore floating and sinking as well as ramps. All this knowledge will help us to design and make our own ‘Super vehicles’ at the end of the topic.

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Mr Gumpy’s Outing


We received a letter from Mr Gumpy asking him for help. He wanted to know the best way to take his friends out for the day. We learned all about his problem and spent the half term working out how best to help him.

Memorable experience

All the children got to design a super vehicle that would help Mr Gumpy take his friends out for the day. We invited out adults in to help us. We made some amazing vehicles. See the photos in the Spring 1 experiences and opportunities section below.

This half term the children will be learning all about animals, environments and cultures. We are reading ‘Dear Zoo’ for our key text which we will innovate and make our own. The children will learn about the continent Africa and all about the Serengeti and the animals that live there. We will be creating art work and musical instruments from what we have learned.

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Dear Zoo


We had a special delivery. Some boxes arrived in the post addressed to us. They had some very strange labels on them. Miss Marley was a little worried about opening the petrifying one.

Memorable experience

We went to Twycross zoo. We got to see the animals up close ready to change our Dear Zoo story. We had such a fun day.

This half term we are learning about about being healthy. We will be learning about what is good for our body and brain, as well as the different types of food. We will learn about where these foods come from and why they are important. Our story for this half term is ‘Supertato.’ We will be writing our own versions of Supertato in the style of comic books. We will come up with our own problems and solutions.

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Memorable experience.

This half term we will be learning about reflections. We will learn how reflections work scientifically and how we can reflect on our year. We will be thinking about how we have changed over the year and prepare ourselves for the changes coming in the next year.

Our story for this half term is ‘Through the magic mirror.’ In this story we will explore lots of different settings real and imaginary. I wonder where our stories will take us?

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Through the magic mirror.

Through the magic mirror


To get us excited about this half terms learning we had a mirror and props arrive our classroom. We spent lots of time changing our reflections. We found this highly amusing. Look how funny we look.

Memorable experience

Coming soon!

Experiences and opportunities

Over the year the children and parents will take part in different experiences and opportunities linked to the topics we are learning. Each half term we invite the parents in to find out what the children have been learning and to work alongside their child. These will be posted below as they happen.

In Autumn 1 the parents came in at the end of our topic. The children worked with their adult to apply their learning and make a comfy bed for Goldilocks. We had lots of different designs.

In Autumn 2 the children made a house for the 3 little pigs. Miss Marley got the big bad wolf hairdryer out but the houses were too sturdy. She could not blow them down.

In Spring 1 the parents came in to learn about out topic ‘I wonder how we get there?’ We told them the story of ‘Mr Gumpy’s outing.’ We then made our super vehicles to take Mr Gumpy and his friend out for the day. Look at our great designs.

In Spring 2 the parents came in to learn about out topic ‘I wonder why it looks like that?’ We told them the story of  ‘Dear Zoo.’ We then had different activities available for the parents to take part in. What creative afternoon.

In Summer 1 the parents came to help us make our Super or Evil characters. We had designed the character and chosen the material we needed. The parents then helped us to read our labels to make sure we used the correct materials. We even created our own superhero masks. Look how fab our characters are!

Things you need to know.

Please check Class Dojo for your child’s home learning. Also remember that reading with your child is part of their home learning. We would like you to read with your child at least three times a week.  

Our PE sessions are every Tuesday for Bright Blossoms and every Thursday for Cheerful Cherries. The children enjoy learning different skills through gymnastics, dance and games. PE is led by Miss Marley, Miss Walker and Miss Steven.  


As part of the curriculum children need to develop their independence when changing. Therefore children are currently removing their jumpers, socks and shoes. This will continue to happen until October half term. 


After October half term children will be changing into their PE kits. They will need a white t-shirt, black shorts/joggers or leggings and black pumps. All items will need to be labelled with your child’s name and placed into a PE bag also with their name on.

Autumn 1

Term starts – Tuesday 5th September

Parental engagement afternoon – Thursday 19th October

Parents afternoon – Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th October

Term ends – Friday 27th October


Autumn 2 

Term starts – Monday 6th November

Parental engagement afternoon – Tuesday 5th December

Christmas church service – Wednesday 13th December am

Christmas dinner day – Date to be confirmed

Christmas party day – Date to be confirmed

Term ends – Thursday 21st December


Spring 1 – 

Term starts – Monday 8th January

Parental engagement afternoon – Tuesday 6th February

Parents meeting afternoons – Tuesday 13th February and Thurday 15th February

Term ends – Friday 16th February


Spring 2

Inset day school closed  – Monday 26th February

Term starts – Tuesday 27th February

Internet safety workshops for children – Thursday 29th February

World book day – Thursday 7th March – Children can come to school wearing pyjamas.

Twycross Zoo school trip – Thursday 21st March

Parental engagement afternoon – Thursday 28th March

Term ends – Thursday 28th March


Summer 1

Term starts – Monday 15th April

INSET day – Friday 3rd May

Bank holiday – Monday 6th May

Parental engagement afternoon – Tuesday 14th May

First aid workshops – Tuesday 21st May

Term ends – Friday 24th May


Summer 2

Term starts – Monday 3rd June

Reception Health checks – Thursday 13th Jun and Friday 14th June

INSET day – Friday 28th June

Parental Engagement afternoon – 9th July

Term ends – Tuesday 23rd July.

Contact Us

Firs Primary School
Raven Street
DE22 3WA
Telephone: 01332 346230
Fax: 01332 200782

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