Bright Blossoms

Home Learning November 2020

Hello, each day we will set a series of tasks depending on your child’s age. Below are the suggested timetable for both Nursery and Reception. The activities set are designed for the children to complete and to try as independently as possible. If you would prefer to do the activities in a different order that is ok as long as they are completed. Don’t forget to send us photos or videos of any of your child’s learning. Please feel free to contact myself or Miss Gilder on Class Dojo if you need any support with your child’s home learning.

Thank you, Miss Marley

Suggested Nursery timetable

Nursery timetable

Suggested Reception timetable

Reception timetable

Nursery maths – Counting song

Nursery maths colour song

In Maths Nursery have been learning about colour. Can you find some objects of different colours and send us a video telling us what you have found.

Reception maths counting song

Reception maths part, part, whole session

Talk for Writing – We have just introduced our new story – The 3 Billy Goats Gruff. Please listen to the story and join in with the actions.

Dear Zoo read by Mrs Capewell.

This is one of our reading spine stories the children should know really well by the end of the year.

Nursery maths learning

Counting song

Sing a rainbow

Join in with the video and see if you can sing a rainbow. Can you make your own rainbow or picture using the colours of rainbow.

Reception maths – Over the next week we are learning about number 5.

Count to 20 song

Watch the Numberblocks 5 episode.

Can you go on a number hunt for numbers 1-5 at home and take pictures of  which ones you can find.

Maths –

Nursery children

Counting song – How many Fingers?

This week we are learning all about shapes – Shape song can you join in with the song and find the shapes in the picture?

Reception children

Counting song

Ten Town

Ten Town introduction

Today we are learning about King One. Click on the link and explore the activities. Use your username and password sent on Class Dojo

Nursery maths

Shape song 2

This week we are learning about shapes. Listen to the song and see if you can go on a shape hunt and find them around your house. Don’t forget to take photos to show what you have found.

Reception maths

Ten Town website

Today we are learning about Tommy Two. Listen to his story, join in with his song and take part in the activities.

Nursery – Sing it bag


Reception – Talk for Writing

Retell the story using the story hill

Favourite part of the story

Topic session 1 – All children

Goat information

3 Billy Goats Gruff song

Topic 2 session

Nursery childrenplay dough session

Reception childrenAnti Bullying week

This week is Antibullying week. Watch the video to learn about how we can work together to stop bullying.

After you could design your own pair of odd socks if you wanted.

Mixed read by Miss Marley


Nursery – Shape song

Listen to the shape song then trace your shapes on your name card. Can you draw the shapes on your own?

Reception – Ten Town website. 

Today we are exploring Thelma Three and Freddy Four.  Have a look at the different activities and see how which ones you can complete.

Talk for Writing – All children

Tell the story The 3 Billy Goats Gruff using the story hill

The 3 Billy Goats Gruff story hill

Watch the video and make your own 3 Billy Goats Gruff puppets

The Great Paper Caper read by Miss Gilder


Nursery – Shape song

Today we would like you to have a go at making a picture with some shapes. Here are some pictures to help you. Talk to your grown ups about the shapes you have used.

Reception – Ten Town website

Today we are learning all about our last number Fiona Five. Explore the activities and find out all about her.

The 3 Billy Goats Gruff read by Miss Marley

Contact Us

Firs Primary School
Raven Street
DE22 3WA
Telephone: 01332 346230
Fax: 01332 200782

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