Year 3 & 4 Marvellous Maples and Jolly Junipers

Marvellous Maples and Jolly Junipers


Marvellous Maples Teacher: Miss Guildford

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Allison, Mrs Robinson and Mrs Nash

Jolly Junipers Teacher: Miss O’Connor

Teaching Assistants: Miss Labuschagne

Marvellous Maples Classroom


Our classrooms are well organised to promote the children’s independence and to ensure the best from all of our children. Both classrooms have working walls for English and Maths to aid the children with their work. We also have Topic boards where we proudly display the children’s work and photographs of their learning.

Jolly Junipers Classroom

School Council

Every class has at least one school councillor to help share their classes’ views and make changes across the school.

School Councillor for Marvellous Maples


School Councillor for Jolly Junipers



Class Dojo Masters

Every class has at least 1 dojo master. The dojo masters help show visitors around school and explain what they are/have been doing in class.

Dojo Masters – Marvellous Maples

Viktoria and Soma

Dojo Masters – Jolly Junipers

Daniel and Fikayomi


Our Curriculum

Click on the tabs below to find out more information about each topic. 

In this topic, we will look closely at two important historical figures (Richard III and Elizabeth I) and decide whether or not they were a hero or a villain. Within Science lessons we will be learning about electricity and then using the skills that we have learnt to design and make our own torch during our DT lessons. During PSHE we will be learning about relationships and within RE lessons we will learn about what it is like to be a Hindu.

Quality Text

Our quality text this term:

‘The Selfish Giant’ by Oscar Wilde


The Hook


For our hook, we played ‘Guess Who’ in pairs and described different characters to help our partner guess who we were talking about.


Our Experience:

This half term we visited the Richard III museum in Leicester. Here we got to learn about some interesting facts about his life and how he became King. We also thought about whether or not he was a good or bad king.

During this half term our topic is ‘Traders and Raiders’, in this topic we will be learning about the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. We will be considering the historical evidence about them and deciding if they were really traders or raiders. Within Geography, we will be learning about compass directions, using maps and types of settlement. Our learning in RE will focus on why the bible is important to Christians and PSHE will look at valuing difference. We are excited to begin a unit on programming in Computing and also to continue learning German.

Quality text - Beowulf

Beowulf, a prince, hears of the Danes’ suffering and gains permission from his king to sail to their assistance. Beowulf and his men spend the night in Heorot waiting for the inevitable attack. When Grendel breaks in Beowulf seizes the monster by the arm and will not let it go. Beowulf eventually manages to rip off the arm of Grendal and defeats him becoming the hero of Denmark.


The Hook

To start our English sessions this half term we were given a selection of pictures of items that we could have found on our travels. We looked at these pictures in groups and we thought about where they might have come from and what they could have been used for.


Our Experience:

For our experience this half we will have some special visitors come into school from a company called ‘The Past Presents’ and they will be carrying out some really fun workshops with us all about the Vikings and Anglo Saxons.

This half term, children will be learning all about magnets and forces within Science and how magnets are used in every day life, we will also be learning about programming during computing lessons. In Art we will explore line drawings and famous artist Alexander Calder before creating a wire sculpture.

Quality Text

Our key text this term:


Iron Man- Ted Hughes

We read and learnt this warning tale and then rewrote our own version of it, including key features of the genre.


The Hook

We were given a range of random objects and in groups we had to think about possible things that we could do with them (apart from what they are actually used for). We then worked together to create an advert that would persuade someone to buy them.


Our Experience:

This half term we had a special visitor from Robot Fun, he brought in several different robots and we got to see how they moved and what they could do. We then got to play with a robot called ‘Indi’ which looked a little bit like a car. We were able to programme it to move around using coloured cards, each card made the robot do something different. It was great fun making it move in different ways.

This half term, children will be learning all about magnets and forces within Science and how magnets are used in every day life, we will also be learning about programming during computing lessons. In Art we will explore line drawings and famous artist Alexander Calder before creating a wire sculpture.

Quality Text

Our key text this term:

Escape to Pompeii


The Hook


Our Experience:

This half term we will be going to Derby Museum

Our key text this term:


Matale comes to supper

It is a tale about a boy who is greedy and selfish but with the help of his Grandmother he begins to think about his behaviour.


This half term we are learning about light in Science and how it travels and investigating light using data loggers in Computing.

In Art we will be looking at cave paintings and attempting our own versions and in History we will be learning about the Stone Age through to the Iron Age – How did people live then? How did things change along the timeline?

Matale comes to supper

Focus text

Matale comes to supper


This is a tale about a boy who is greedy and selfish but with the help of his Grandmother he begins to think about his behaviour.


The Hook

We are going to listen to the story of the Hare and the Tortoise. We will think about the moral of the story and then attempt to write our own story with a moral.




Our Experience:


Stone Age workshop


To start off our topic on Stone Age to Iron Age we have taken part in a special workshop. During the experience we took on the role of Archaeologists and created a class Museum.  We learnt about early pottery and made our own pot to take home. We also had the opportunity to learn about weaving, making bread and making string from plants.

In Predator, we are going to be looking at animals including humans, looking at their food chains. We will also conduct fieldwork study in Geography, looking at human and physical features. In addition, we will study the Amazon, Amalfi Coast and the Peak District. In art, we will look closely at the work of Albrecht Durer and produce our own art work inspired by his. 

Jack and the Beanstalk

Our key text this term:


The Explorer by Katherine Rundell


Fred, Con, Lila and little Max’s plane is on the way to Manaus when it falls out of the sky. Now, lost in the Amazon rainforest, they must figure out the basics of survival: water, shelter, food. Do they wait for rescue, or find a way to rescue themselves?


The Hook


We watched ‘Adrift’…

Click the link and see what you think!

How important is dialogue in our writing?


Our Experience:

We will visit Padley Gorge and look at human and physical features.

Our Experiences and Opportunities

We will be doing lots of exciting things over the year. Click on the tabs below to see the photos of what we have been up to.

Things You Need To Know

Home learning will help children to practice skills and consolidate knowledge learnt at school. For Marvellous Maples and Jolly Junipers, home learning will be given to the children on Friday and must be returned to school by the following Thursday.

Home learning club is available at lunch time if your child wishes to attend or requires extra support.

If children are struggling or you are unsure how to support your child, please message Miss Guildford or  Miss O’Connor on Class Dojo.

Children will also have the option of completing topic related challenges which can be chosen from the grid on the topic page.

Maples PE lesson- Tuesday

Junipers PE lesson- Thursday

All children will be doing PE within school now and so will need a full PE kit in school on the days shown above.


Here are some useful websites that you might want to visit to support your child’s learning.



Contact Us

Firs Primary School
Raven Street
DE22 3WA
Telephone: 01332 346230
Fax: 01332 200782

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