Year 5/6 Awesome Oaks and Resilient Redwoods

Awesome Oaks

Teacher: Miss Bailey / Mrs Hunt

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Prothero

Teaching Assistant:

Resilient Redwoods

Teacher: Mr Barrass

Teaching Assistant: Miss Pickering

Supply Teaching Assistant: Mrs Smith / Mrs Nash

Both of the classrooms are bright and encourage children to be independent: they can find their own resources to support them in their learning.

Each class has a member that goes to the school council meetings. They represent their class and make decisions on behalf of the children in the school. Children get to voice their opinion to help improve the school.

Our new role of ECO councillor is there to support our school become more sustainable. We are on a mission to support the environment by reducing waste, reducing electricity and our carbon footprint. Our representative is there to help make those important decisions and help our class.

Each class also has Dojo Masters. They are there to help people set a good example, support people to show our FIRSY values and keep up the positive encouragement!

Awesome Oaks’ School Councillor:


ECO Councillor:


Dojo Masters:

Kelvin and Allison

Resilient Redwoods’ School Councillor:


ECO Councillor: 


Dojo Masters: 

Emmanuella and Milan

Click on the tabs below to find out more information about each topic. Throughout the year we will also add pictures of memorable experiences!

Hola Mexico has a variety of links the the ancient Maya Civilization. Geography and History are our main links to this subject where children will get the opportunity to locate Mexico and study the different climates it has to offer. We will take a look at human and physical features within its vast landscapes, looking at how current cities and villages compare to those many years ago. We will look at current industries that are located here and how they use the surroundings and natural resources to develop their country. This links in well to our sustainability topic, where we look at how the resources are being used and how to make our resources more sustainable for generations to come. When we look in to our History unit, we will look at how the ancient Maya civilization formed while developing our inference skills based on what archaeologists have found today. 

We have wider links to our languages where we will be studying Spanish this year. Our Art topic hosts a fantastic link to Frida Kahlo, where children will analyse the artist’s work and recreate those techniques using oil pastels.

We will have a PSHE focus on relationships/ friendships, RE looking at Muslims in Britain today, Computing will contain the use of spreadsheets to classify animals and Music focusing on glockenspiels!

Take a look at these Topic ideas that you can do with your child for Home Learning. They are designed to develop their currently learning in class and expand their knowledge across a wide range of topics within the curriculum.

Reading and writing

In class we will be reading the book ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. We aim to focus on characterisation – looking at how people are represented within stories, building up that description to write in a warning tale.

Place Value of Punctuation
We will be spending the first part of this half-term looking at the core skills require in writing. This will aim to develop children’s SPaG skills to enable them to become effective writers, understanding the key punctuation and grammar required. 

Spelling will happen for 15 minutes a day during our SPaG slot, where children will learn how to develop their spelling strategies.



We will write a warning tale to enable children to grasp the key elements of being an effective writer. They will use the stimulus of the book Holes to base their story off. 

Memorable Experience 

This year we will have an interactive Mayan Experience! An outside group will come in to deliver a workshop all about the Mayans!

Careers and parental engagement

Career: What I want to be when I’m older

This half term, we will set up our career logs and have a discussion about what our future aspirations are.

Parental Engagement Opportunity

This half term, you will get an opportunity to meet the new class teacher. You can look at how the day will look for Redwoods and Oaks class and ask any key questions you may have. We are looking forward to meeting you all in class soon!

Look at our amazing Mayan workshop!

In this exciting unit, we will be learning all about WWII. Our main area of study will be History, where we take a look at life between 1939-1945! We have more great geographical links where we talk about trade and again link to sustainability, finding out how families needed to ‘make do and mend’ and plant crops to become more sustainable without importing products in to the country. In Art, children will look at Lowry and his style of work, based on a range of blitz pictures and drawing from perspective using darker tones to recreate the images.

Science will link to a range of forces that helps understand how the world works. Computing will focus on E-Safety and the importance of how children can keep themselves safe online while using a range of devices. PSHE learning about each other’s differences and how we are all unique, understanding our British Values of Mutual Respect. RE will focus on perspectives on God across a range of religions, looking at beliefs of his existence.

Reading and writing

We have a range of whole class reading books this half term. Some of our main ones include: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Letters from the Lighthouse. We will use a range of texts that are set in the 1940s period during the war to get a taste of what life was really like back then.


We will be writing a portal story, where a character has to travel through a mysterious portal and enter another world! The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe will be a good stimulus to get children writing about their fictional tale.

Spelling will happen for 15 minutes a fay during our SPaG slot, where children will learn how to develop their spelling strategies. Punctuation and Grammar (alongside reading comprehension) will all happen daily.


We will look at a range of poems written about the war, including one written by Wilfred Owen.

Memorable Experience

We have an exciting opportunity to go to Beaumanor Hall! Here children will get to see where operations for WWII took place and experience a full day trip around the hall. They will take part in exciting code cracking experience, writing a letter using a quill, understanding those key slogans, ‘make do and mend’ and ‘loose lips sink ships’. Children will experience what it will be like to be in a bunker!

Careers and parental engagement

Career: Museum Curator 

This half term, children will find out about this role. Whereby the curator holds fascinating facts about the collections they look after within the museum.

Parental Engagement Opportunity

We will be inviting you in to class to work with your child to make an air raid shelter! Children will use card and a range of junk modelling resources to create their own air raid shelter! The competition is on!

Click on the images below to make them bigger and scroll through them.

In this great historical unit, we will be learning about the industrial revolution. We will discover the History of Cromford Mill and look at the geographical links with locality right here in Derbyshire! Looking how Richard Arkwright changed history through the use of industrial factories.

In Art, we will take a look at Richard Morris and his work, replicating a range of drawings using shading and hatching. Computing will feature technology in our lives, looking how the modern uses of computers have developed the world we live in. PSHE is a great opportunity to look at the theme ‘being my best’. RE will feature what followers do when the going gets tough.

Reading and writing

Here our main stimulus will be Oliver Twist as our whole class reading book. The book is a modern print for children in Year 5 and 6. Here we take a look at dialogue while studying the conventions of a playscript.



We will be writing a dialogue that advances the story. Looking how other texts use dialogue to show their characters and how they think, feel and act.



Newspaper Report – This is a great opportunity to write in a different style to experiment with the different tones and look at traditional newspaper layouts. We will focus on the formal and factual language they use along with biases they may come with.

Memorable Experience

We have an exciting opportunity to go to Cromford Mills! Right here in Derbyshire, on our very doorstep, we have some fantastic links to history. We will take a trip to Cromford for the day and study how the Mill was a key to the revolution of modern Britain.

Careers and parental engagement

Career: Animator 

We will take a look at some famous animators and how they have brought their visions to life.

Parental Engagement Opportunity

Children will have created a fantastic animation they would love to share with you. We invite you to come on in and work with your child and see what they have done so far!

Click on the images below to make them bigger and scroll through them.

In the topic, Frozen Kingdom, we will take a look at Geography. We will study places within the Arctic and what makes it inhabitable for certain animals and why it is such a harsh environment for others. This will link nicely to our DT focus where we will develop our knowledge of building shelters. Children will study what makes structures stronger by reinforcing them and evaluating models to test their suitability for a specific purpose. We will use Computing to create a database where we can sort a range of animals we have classified and researched within Science, into a sorting system.

Here we will also learn more about glockenspiels in Music and further develop our rhythm within this area. PSHE will consist of ‘keeping myself safe’. In RE, we will compare the different beliefs of Christians and Humanists and looking at the similarities and differences between them.

Reading and writing

Here we read a fantastic adventure of Shackleton’s Journey. We discover how history remembers those who dare to travel it, looking at the preparations, designs and map reading leads to Shackleton exploring the Antarctic!



Here we teach children to write a story for suspense. Using a range of model texts, we see how authors keep the reader in suspense and wanting to read on, we will apply some of these techniques within our writing to adopt this style.



Here we study biographies. We will look at writing a biography for a famous historical figure, such as Shackleton. Recounting their life events and highlighting the significance of said person.

Memorable Experience

Unfortunately, we are unable to organize an experience to the Arctic. Luckily, yet again, we have another wonderful opportunity that isn’t to be missed! We have organized for Prime Virtual Reality to come into school and conduct a workshop so all children can explore the Arctic regions in style!

Careers and parental engagement

Career: Architect 

We will listen to an architect talk about their career and the importance of what they do in uncovering history throughout the ages.

Parental Engagement Opportunity

We will have a competition of who can create the best structure. Using practical resources, lots of teamwork and knowledge on reinforcement, children would love for you to come in and make these amazing models with them!

Click on the images below to make them bigger and scroll through them.

In Darwin’s Delights, we will be taking a look deeper into our Science topic. Children will study the theory of evolution and how animals including humans, have adapted to their surroundings over time. We will take a look at Galapagos island and how species have evolved through time. This topic will have close links to Geography, studying Rivers and how they form over time.

In Computing, we will take a look at programming. DT will give children the opportunity to design their own product that involves animals and how they move using a CAM mechanism. Music we take a look at a different style – Rap! RE – We take a look at the question – ‘What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain?’ In PSHE, we will discover how the body grows and changes.

Reading and writing

Darwin’s Dragons will be a fantastic edition to our whole class reading! We will certainly learn a great deal from this as we build up our final writing pieces for the year.



Suspense – We will further develop our techniques for suspense and showcase a variety of skills we have learnt throughout the year!



Non- chronological report will be our final non-fiction topic.

Memorable Experience

Field Trip – To study the River Derwent and how it meanders through town!

Careers and parental engagement

Career: Mechanical Engineer

As we learn how to make our own mechanical game, it seems like a great time to learn about an engineer!

Parental Engagement Opportunity

In DT, we will be making our own mechanical animals. You are invited along to join us in making them using cams.

Click on the images below to make them bigger and scroll through them.

Thing You Need To Know

Autumn 1 

WB:9th September: Meet the Teacher – Redwoods

WB:16th September: Meet the Teacher – Oaks

27th and 28th September: Drumba Workshops

7th October: Year 6 Fire safety Workshops

14th / 15th October: Mayan Workshop Experience

28th Oct- 3rd: HALF TERM


Autumn 2 

4th November: INSET Day – School closed for children

5th November: Parents’ afternoon

7th November: Parents’ Afternoon

19th November: Aim High Writing workshop for some children

9th or 10th December: School trip to Beaumanor Hall

11th December: Whole school to Derby theatre

TBC: Parental engagement – air raid shelter making


Spring 1 

TBC: Parental engagement – Art showcase


Spring 2 

3rd April – Cromford Mills class trip


Summer 1 

23rd April: School Photos

28th April: Year 5/6 Prime Virtual Reality Workshops

12th May – 15th May – SATs for Year 6 – ALL children to be in all day!


Summer 2

TBC: Class Field Trip to look at the river – pond dipping

It is essential that all children continue to practise their learning at home to remember and embed what they have learnt in school that week. For Awesome Oaks and Resilient Redwoods home learning will be given to the children on a Friday and must be returned by the following Thursday. Children will be asked to attend home learning club during their lunchtime if they do not complete their home learning. Children will get both Maths and English home learning that relates to their learning that week therefore all children should be able too complete it. If children are struggling, they can also choose to attend home learning club for extra support.

If children need extra support, please message your child’s class teacher on Class Dojo, they can be supported during the homework club.

Children will also have the option of completing topic related home learning which can be chosen off of the grid on the topic page.


Awesome Oaks is Tuesday 

Resilient Redwoods is Wednesday.


Your child must come to school in their school uniform and bring their P.E kit in a bag. Children will get changed in school just before P.E. Children will change in separate gender rooms. We also have gender neutral screens available for those children who would prefer more privacy while getting changed.


For P.E children should wear a white t-shirt, with black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms with black trainers or pumps for inside. Children should not be wearing their own sports wear.

Below are a number of websites that are useful for children in year 5 and 6. Click on the image to be taken to the website.




Below are a number of websites that are useful for children in year 5 and 6. Click on the image to be taken to the website.




Contact Us

Firs Primary School
Raven Street
DE22 3WA
Telephone: 01332 346230
Fax: 01332 200782

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