4th January Update

On 4th January 2021 it was announced by the Prime Minister that primary schools will close as of Tuesday 5th January apart from for Key Worker and Vulnerable Children. This is part of the National Lockdown. More information regarding the National Lockdown can be found here.

Keeping in Contact

  • School Text System
    • When there is new information that needs to be relayed to many different parents, teachers or other members of staff may send this out using our Firs text system. This may include updates to your child’s home learning, free school meals or other information regarding school. Please make sure you read every text message thoroughly. If you are unsure about any information you are sent, please call the school office or contact your child’s class teacher through ‘Class Dojo.’
  • School Office
    • The school office will be open every day during normal school ours. If you have any questions you can call school 01332 346230 or come into school. If you choose to come in to the school reception area, please ensure you adhere to social distancing advice from the government. Hand sanitizer will be provided. At busy periods, please wait outside of the school building until other people have exited.
  • Class Dojo
    • Please make sure you have connected to your child’s class teacher on ‘Class Dojo.’  Click here  This will help you keep in contact with the class teacher and allow you to ask any questions during school hours. Your child can also share the work they have done using the portfolio.


All of our provision has been risk assessed on our up-to-date risk assessment for school which can be found using the button at the bottom of the page. This is inline with guidance from the government.


  • School meals
    • As normal, children will have the choices of a meat (red); vegetarian (green); pasta (yellow); jacket potato (orange); or a sandwich (purple). Children can also bring sandwiches from home if they so wish.
  • School drop off and pick up
    • Parents are not allowed on the school site before school and must drop their child off at the school gate.
    • We encourage one adult to collect children afterschool to minimise the amount of adults on the playground. We also encourage adults to collect their children as quick as possible and move off and away from school grounds.
    • When picking up children, we encourage adults to wear masks and maintain social distancing where possible.
  • PPE
    • When picking up children, we encourage adults to wear masks and maintain social distancing where possible.
    • Anyone who wishes to go in to the school office to speak to the office staff at any point in the day, we ask that they wear a face covering if possible.
  • Zones and floor plans
    • Our bubbles consist of 2 classes from the same year group.
    • We operate a one way system in both buildings.
  • School Trips
    • Where possible we are continuing to provide additional, memorable experiences for our children with both visitors in school and visits to other places out of school. This is inline with government guidance and additional risk assessments will take place when planning any external visits.

Remote Learning

  • If a child is isolating, once that this has been communicated to school and passed on to the class teacher, learning for that child will be set via Class Dojo. This may include zoom links, links to websites, videos recorded by us or PowerPoints and worksheets.
  • If it isn’t possible to access dojo at home, if there is someone who can come to collect work from school (who is not required to self isolate) then paper copies can be provided for that child.
  • Any work completed at home should be sent to the class teacher via class dojo or returned to school on the child’s return. This will allow the class teacher to provide any feedback and support required.

COVID Symptoms

Contact Us

Firs Primary School
Raven Street
DE22 3WA
Telephone: 01332 346230
Fax: 01332 200782

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