Hi everyone!
We hope that everyone is ok at home and are managing to keep positive! It is vitally important that you are continuing with your learning at home regularly. We will be uploading work on to this page every day so that you have plenty to keep you busy. If you have any issues or don’t understand anything you can contact staff through the learning platform or Class Dojo. Alternatively you can call the school office which will be open daily from 9-4pm and someone will be able to point you in the right direction.
As the school will probably be open during the school holidays the staff Easter holidays have been moved around to ensure that there is adequate staff at all times.
W/B 23.3.20- Miss Guildford’s Easter holidays- contact Miss Woodings for any information you need.
W/B 30.3.20- Miss Woodings’ Easter holidays- contact Miss Guildford for any information.
W/B 6.4.20- Both Miss Guildford and Miss Woodings will be working this week so both are contactable.
W/B 13.4.20- Both Miss Guildford and Miss Woodings’ Easter holidays so there will be no work uploaded this week.
You were sent home with many useful resources that you can use while you are at home. These include the Maths No Problem text books, CGP comprehension booklet, along with lots of printouts from your class teacher.
Don’t forget that you need to be reading as often as possible, if you finish your accelerated reader books and completed the quizzes you can read any other book that you have at home and you can read books on www.myon.co.uk
If you listen to the daily stories you can then have a go at an accelerated quiz linked to them (if there is one) I will put the quiz numbers for them under the videos.
How you can help your child at home
- Listen to your child read regularly. Ideally this should be every day, even if only for five or ten minutes.
- Encourage your child to practice their spellings daily using the year 3/4 spelling list or spelling packs.
- Help your child to practise their times tables – In year 3, children should learn their 3, 4 and 8 times tables. In year 4, children should learn all of their times tables up to 12 x 12.
Useful links:
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
- https://ukhosted22.renlearn.co.uk/7257941/ (Accelerated reader)
- https://www.myon.co.uk/
- https://schooltoolkit.org/
- https://duolingo.co.uk/