Year 1 Remote Learning

Year 1 Remote Learning

Expectations from Home

  • Parents will connect to their child’s class teacher through Class Dojo where possible.
  • Parents will communicate with the child’s class teacher any issues or successes with the remote learning.
  • Parents will encourage children to complete their work as if it were a normal school day.
  • Parents will communicate with the school if they are struggling to access the remote learning or have no access to the internet.
  • Children can share their work with their class teacher using Class Dojo. A guide of how to do this can be found here

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Daily Expectations

Below are the weekly Home Learning Booklet with the daily lessons below which we expect your child to complete.

Please click on the week and your lessons and activities will open in a new tab. Completed work can be sent to your class teacher through Class Dojo or returned to school on Friday. Dojo points will be awarded using our new “Home learning” Dojo each time you complete  your learning activities.

Monday 11th January

Wednesday 13th January

Thursday 14th January

Friday 15th January

Hello Year 1, Here are your lessons, they are updated everyday.  Your worksheets are in your weekly booklet, which is posted above.

Your daily handwriting lesson are tabbed at the bottom.

Finish your day off by listening to a story read by one of your teachers.

Remember to send photos of your work on Class Dojo!

Monday 24th January

Join Miss Howard for a live lesson – Link sent via Class Dojo

Tuesday 25th January

Maths- Join Miss Howard at 9am for a story – Link sent through Class Dojo

Wednesday 26th January

Thursday 27th January

Friday 29th January

Hello Year 1, Here are your lessons, they are updated everyday.  Your worksheets are in your weekly booklet, which is posted above.

Your daily handwriting lesson are tabbed at the bottom.

Finish your day off by listening to a story read by one of your teachers.

Remember to send photos of your work on Class Dojo!

Monday 1st February

Tuesday 2nd February

Wednesday 3rd February

Thursday 4th February

Friday 5th February

Hello Year 1, Here are your lessons, they are updated everyday.  Your worksheets are in your weekly booklet, which is posted above.

Your daily handwriting lesson are tabbed at the bottom.

Finish your day off by listening to a story read by one of your teachers.

Remember to send photos of your work on Class Dojo!

Monday 8th February

Tuesday 9th February

Wednesday 10th February

Thursday 11th February

Friday 12th February

Contact Us

Firs Primary School
Raven Street
DE22 3WA
Telephone: 01332 346230
Fax: 01332 200782

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