Year 2 Remote Learning

Expecations from Home


  • Parents will communicate with their child’s class teacher through Class Dojo where possible.
  • Parents will communicate with their child’s class teacher regarding any issues or successes with the remote learning.
  • Parents will support and encourage children to complete their learning activities as if it were a normal school day. We have provided a suggested timetable to support you with this.
  • Parents will communicate with the school if they are struggling to access the remote learning or have no internet access.
  • Children will share their work with the class teacher using Class Dojo. A guide of how to do this can be found here:

Example timetable for your day

Daily Expectations


Below are the daily learning activities we expect your child to complete. Please click on the day and your activities will open in a new tab. Completed work can be sent to your class teacher through Class Dojo. Dojo points will be awarded for your ‘You Can Do It!’ attitude each time you complete  your learning activities.

Monday 1st February

Tuesday 2nd February

Join Miss Walker at 11am for a Zoom PSHE lesson. Information on Class dojo

Wednesday 3rd February

Thursday 4th February

Zoom Maths Lesson

Join Mrs Wildy for a Zoom Maths lesson at 11am. Link on Class Dojo

Friday 5th February

Monday 25th January

Tuesday 26th January

Zoom Topic lesson

Join Miss Walker for a Zoom PSHE lesson at 2pm. Link on Class Dojo.

English - Text Map

Wednesday 27th January

Thursday 28th January

Zoom Maths Lesson

Join Mrs Wildy for a Zoom Maths lesson at 11am. Link on Class Dojo

Friday 29th January

Monday 18th January

Tuesday 19th January

Tuesday 19th – Join Mrs Newbury for a Zoom English lesson at 11am – See Class dojo for the link

Maths - count edges on 3D shapes

Wednesday 20th January

Wednesday 20th – Join Miss Sheldon for a Zoom Maths lesson at 2pm – Link is sent through class dojo

Maths- Counting vertices

PE - Warm up


Thursday 21st January

Thursday 21st – Join Miss Walker for a Zoom Science Lesson at 2pm

Thursday - English - Independent writing

Friday 22nd January

English - 22nd January - Cold write

Useful Links

Should you be looking for further activities to do with your child here are some links to some useful websites. Should you need a copy of your login details for My Maths, MyOn or Charanga please contact your class teacher.

My Maths


BBC Supermovers


Go Noodle

Daily Story

Which story will it be today? Can you predict what might happen in the story before you listen to it?

Click the picture of the book to listen to it on YouTube!

Empty Space

: 32px

Chapter 1

Chapter 7

Chapter 2

Chapter 8

Chapter 3

Chapter 9

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5

Chapter 6


Contact Us

Firs Primary School
Raven Street
DE22 3WA
Telephone: 01332 346230
Fax: 01332 200782

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