Year 5/6 Remote Learning

Expectations from Home

  • Parents will connect to their child’s class teacher through Class Dojo where possible.
  • Parents will communicate with the child’s class teacher any issues or successes with the remote learning.
  • Parents will encourage children to complete their work as if it were a normal school day.
  • Parents will communicate with the school if they are struggling to access the remote learning or have no access to the internet.
  • Children can share their work with their class teacher using Class Dojo. A guide of how to do this can be found here

Daily Expectations

Below is a list of work that you should complete every day on top of your day-to-day work set by the class teacher.

Practise any timestables you are unsure of. This could be through listing them on paper as quick as you can or playing games online.

Read your accelerated reader book for 20 minutes every day. Then complete the quiz. You can also read on MyOn.

Practise your handwriting using the booklet below to help you with the letter formation, size and join.

Practise spellings. Make sure you know what the words mean and that you can use them correctly in a sentence.

Go on My Maths and play maths games or revise what you have just been learning about.

You can also access books through the ‘Virtual Library’

Useful Videos

How to get on to ‘Class Dojo’ and ‘Zoom’ on a laptop.

How to submit your child’s work on ‘Class Dojo’ using a phone.

Day to Day Work – AO & RR

Below is where you will find your work if your bubble has been told to self isolate, or schools have gone in to lockdown.  The work provided will fit with what your child should have been learning about if they were in school and is in line with expectations from the government. More information can be found here.

Day to Day Work – WW & SS

Below is where you will find your work if your bubble has been told to self isolate, or schools have gone in to lockdown. Work can also be accessed on Class Dojo. The work provided will fit with what your child should have been learning about if they were in school and is in line with expectations from the government. More information can be found here.



Monday 25th January.

Tuesday 26th January 2021

Wednesday 27th January 2021

Thursday 28th January 2021

Friday 29th January 2021

Additional Work Packs

Below are some additional work activities that you can complete as well as any day-to-day learning. They are designed to complete independently or revise what you already know.

Contact Us

Firs Primary School
Raven Street
DE22 3WA
Telephone: 01332 346230
Fax: 01332 200782

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